HELP PRESERVE HISTORY Your financial support is needed to reach our goal of $150,000 for a permanent location for the Amery Area Historical Society Museum! Donors receive recognition on our AAHS Legacy Wall for the following levels: CLASSROOM & METING ROOM Platinum: $10,000+ Gold: $5,000-$9,999 Silver: $1,000-$4,999 Bronze: $500-$999 LIBRARY BRARY AMERY AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM RESTROOM LEGACY WALL DISPLAY AREA ENTRANCE . SAFE . STORAGE DISPLAY AMA LEGACY WALL AMERY PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING! We accept Venmo or PayPal (QR Code) or mail a check to: PO Box 465, Amery, WI 54001 Amery Area Historical Society Fundraising Chair: Paul Isakson 715-554-3858 AMERYHISTORY.COM | AMERYHISTORY@GMAIL.COM HELP PRESERVE HISTORY Your financial support is needed to reach our goal of $ 150,000 for a permanent location for the Amery Area Historical Society Museum ! Donors receive recognition on our AAHS Legacy Wall for the following levels : CLASSROOM & METING ROOM Platinum : $ 10,000 + Gold : $ 5,000- $ 9,999 Silver : $ 1,000- $ 4,999 Bronze : $ 500- $ 999 LIBRARY BRARY AMERY AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM RESTROOM LEGACY WALL DISPLAY AREA ENTRANCE . SAFE . STORAGE DISPLAY AMA LEGACY WALL AMERY PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING ! We accept Venmo or PayPal ( QR Code ) or mail a check to : PO Box 465 , Amery , WI 54001 Amery Area Historical Society Fundraising Chair : Paul Isakson 715-554-3858 AMERYHISTORY.COM | AMERYHISTORY@GMAIL.COM