We appreciate you recognizing us as one of the top 3 Best Financial Planners! BRIDGE INVESTMENT GROUP Readers 2022 FINALIST BRIDGE ........ Choice *......... Amery Area The Amery Bridging the Gap Between YOUR Now and Someday COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA & BEYOND Jordan T. Wold 115 Keller Ave N., Amery, WI 54001 (p) 715-386-5588 www.bridgewhatmatters.com *Investment adviser representative and registered representative of, and securities and advisory services are offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, member INVESTMENT GROUP FINRA/SIPC, a broker-dealer and registered investment adviser. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. #CN1327134_0922 We appreciate you recognizing us as one of the top 3 Best Financial Planners ! BRIDGE INVESTMENT GROUP Readers 2022 FINALIST BRIDGE ........ Choice * ......... Amery Area The Amery Bridging the Gap Between YOUR Now and Someday COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR WISCONSIN , MINNESOTA & BEYOND Jordan T. Wold 115 Keller Ave N. , Amery , WI 54001 ( p ) 715-386-5588 www.bridgewhatmatters.com * Investment adviser representative and registered representative of , and securities and advisory services are offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC , member INVESTMENT GROUP FINRA / SIPC , a broker - dealer and registered investment adviser . Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity . # CN1327134_0922