GED Examiner/Pearson Vue Test Proctor (Call Staff) Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Rice Lake Campus Applications are presently being accepted from qualified candidates for a part-time (hours vary - up to 3-8 hours/week) GED Examiner/Pearson Vue Test Proctor at our Rice Lake Campus. For a complete job description, list of qualifications, and to apply: Visit our website at: Deadline to apply: June 3, 2019 WISCONSIN INDIANHEAD TECHNICAL WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access/ Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator COLLEGE Experience. Success. GED Examiner/Pearson Vue Test Proctor (Call Staff) Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Rice Lake Campus Applications are presently being accepted from qualified candidates for a part-time (hours vary - up to 3-8 hours/week) GED Examiner/Pearson Vue Test Proctor at our Rice Lake Campus. For a complete job description, list of qualifications, and to apply: Visit our website at: Deadline to apply: June 3, 2019 WISCONSIN INDIANHEAD TECHNICAL WITC is an Equal Opportunity/Access/ Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer and Educator COLLEGE Experience. Success.